HSE Policy
HSE Policy
Welcome To Saif Engineering
Welcome To Saif Engineering
This is an umcompromising promise to our Employees, Clients and suppliers. HEALTH & SAFETY is an absolute priority at all workplaces. This is made clear in our corporate Health and Safety Policy. We recognize that we have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all who interact with the company, whether as a direct employeem Sub-Contractor, Consultant or member of the public. Health and Safety is an integral part of our Management System, with safe working practices and procedure sensuring that health and safety are fully considered in all aspects of our operations Saif Engineering activites promotes a safe work culture through educating employees about their individual responsibilites for health & safety. We aim to achieve best practice environment management part of the everyday culture for all. We are keeping a good health and safety program, in order to eliminate accidents at jobs sites. This program is implemented by arranging safety awareness meetings weekly and monthly.

This is an umcompromising promise to our Employees, Clients and suppliers. HEALTH & SAFETY is an absolute priority at all workplaces. This is made clear in our corporate Health and Safety Policy. We recognize that we have a responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all who interact with the company, whether as a direct employeem Sub-Contractor, Consultant or member of the public. Health and Safety is an integral part of our Management System, with safe working practices and procedure sensuring that health and safety are fully considered in all aspects of our operations Saif Engineering activites promotes a safe work culture through educating employees about their individual responsibilites for health & safety. We aim to achieve best practice environment management part of the everyday culture for all. We are keeping a good health and safety program, in order to eliminate accidents at jobs sites. This program is implemented by arranging safety awareness meetings weekly and monthly.